Author guidelines
The structural components of the article:
- Title
- Name and surname of the author(s)
- Abstract
- Keywords
- the full text of the document
- Bibliographic references.
The TITLE – is indicated in the language of the article and in English.
The NAME and FIRST NAME OF THE AUTHOR(S) – must be accompanied by the affiliation (institution where they work), qualification and experience in the field of librarianship and information science, photograph, e-mail address, ORCID account.
The ABSTRACT (in Romanian and English languages) – must be written clearly, containing around 75-100 words or 20 lines.
The KEYWORDS (in the Romanian and English languages) - involves 5-7 words.
BIBLIOGRAPHIC REFERENCES – it's going to be drafted according to Standard ISO 690:2012 Information and documentation – Rules for bibliographic references and citations to information resources.
Technical editing rules
The articles will be drafted in Word, A4, margins: top 2 cm, bottom 2 cm, left 2.5 cm, right 2 cm; header 1.27 cm, footer 1.27 cm; font: Arial, size 11. Single line spacing.
The paper must be fully edited in accordance with:
- Title – capital bold 11 pt, centered;
- 2 blank rows;
- The author – under the title, on the right, are indicated the first name (in lowercase letters) and the name (in capital letters) of the author(s), font 11 pt.
- Abstract, 11 pt, italics.
- 1 blank row;
- Keywords, 11 pt, italics;
- 1 blank row;
- the full text of the document:
- The alignments at 1 cm.
- The title of the chapters and subtitles will be in 11 pt, bold capital letters, aligned at 1 cm.
- The paragraphs must be aligned at 1cm.
- The figures, graphs and tables will be centered and included in the summary of the work.
- The content of the table will be written using 11 pt, and the title of the columns will be written with 11 pt bold character. Each table must be numbered with Arabic numerals (11 pt. right alignment), have a title (11 pt. centered) and the data source (below the table).
- The title of the table, graphs will be placed above the table.
- The Figure titles will be placed below the figure.
- The number of tables, graphs or figures (when it is necessary) will be mentioned in the text between brackets (fig. no. 1); (table no. 1)
- References will be placed at the end of the paper, two blank rows down, in alphabetical order of the first author's name. They will be numbered and will contain all the resources used in the text. Make sure that each reference cited in the text is also present in the reference list (and vice versa).